
| Please choose a course, or type 0 to exit swirl.

1: R Programming
2: Take me to the swirl course repository!

Selection: 1

| Please choose a lesson, or type 0 to return to course
| menu.

1: Basic Building Blocks 2: Workspace and Files
3: Sequences of Numbers 4: Vectors
5: Missing Values 6: Subsetting Vectors
7: Matrices and Data Frames 8: Logic
9: Functions 10: lapply and sapply
11: vapply and tapply 12: Looking at Data
13: Simulation 14: Dates and Times
15: Base Graphics

Selection: 9

| | 0%

| Functions are one of the fundamental building blocks of
| the R language. They are small pieces of reusable code
| that can be treated like any other R object.


|= | 2%

| If you've worked through any other part of this course,
| you've probably used some functions already. Functions
| are usually characterized by the name of the function
| followed by parentheses.


|== | 4%

| Let's try using a few basic functions just for fun. The
| Sys.Date() function returns a string representing today's
| date. Type Sys.Date() below and see what happens.

> Sys.Date()
[1] "2015-05-13"

| That's a job well done!

|=== | 6%

| Most functions in R return a value. Functions like
| Sys.Date() return a value based on your computer's
| environment, while other functions manipulate input data
| in order to compute a return value.


|==== | 8%

| The mean() function takes a vector of numbers as input,
| and returns the average of all of the numbers in the
| input vector. Inputs to functions are often called
| arguments. Providing arguments to a function is also
| sometimes called passing arguments to that function.
| Arguments you want to pass to a function go inside the
| function's parentheses. Try passing the argument c(2, 4,
| 5) to the mean() function.

> mean(c(2,4,5))
[1] 3.666667

| Excellent work!

|===== | 10%

| Functions usually take arguments which are variables that
| the function operates on. For example, the mean()
| function takes a vector as as argument, like in the case
| of mean(c(2,6,8)). The mean() function then adds up all
| of the numbers in the vector and divides that sum by the
| length of the vector.


|====== | 12%

| In the following question you will be asked to modify a
| script that will appear as soon as you move on from this
| question. When you have finished modifying the script,
| save your changes to the script and type submit() and the
| script will be evaluated. There will be some comments in
| the script that opens up, so be sure to read them!


|======= | 15%

| The last R expression to be evaluated in a function will
| become the return value of that function. We want this
| function to take one argument, x, and return x without
| modifying it. Delete the pound sign so that x is returned
| without any modification. Make sure to save your script
| before you type submit().


# You're about to write your first function! Just like you would assign a value 
# to a variable with the assignment operator, you assign functions in the following
# way:
# function_name <- function(arg1, arg2){
# # Maipulate arguments in some way
# # Return a value
# }
# The "variable name" you assign will become the name of your function. arg1 and
# arg2 represent the arguments of your function. You can maipulate the arguments
# you specify within the function. After sourcing the function, you can use the
# function by typing:
# function_name(value1, value2)
# Below we will create a function called boring_function. This function takes
# the argument `x` as input, and returns the value of x without modifying it.
# Delete the pound sign in front of the x to make the function work! Be sure to
# save this script and type submit() in the console after you make your changes.

boring_function <- function(x) {

> submit()

| Sourcing your script...

| That's the answer I was looking for.

|======== | 17%

| Now that you've created your first function let's test
| it! Type: boring_function('My first function!'). If your
| function works, it should just return the string: 'My
| first function!'

> boring_function('My first function!')
[1] "My first function!"

| That's correct!

|========= | 19%

| Congratulations on writing your first function. By
| writing functions, you can gain serious insight into how
| R works. As John Chambers, the creator of R once said:
| To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful:
| 1. Everything that exists is an object. 2. Everything
| that happens is a function call.


|========== | 21%

| If you want to see the source code for any function, just
| type the function name without any arguments or
| parentheses. Let's try this out with the function you
| just created. Type: boring_function to view its source
| code.

> boring_function
function(x) {

| Perseverance, that's the answer.

|=========== | 23%

| Time to make a more useful function! We're going to
| replicate the functionality of the mean() function by
| creating a function called: my_mean(). Remember that to
| calculate the average of all of the numbers in a vector
| you find the sum of all the numbers in the vector, and
| then divide that sum by the number of numbers in the
| vector.


|============ | 25%

| Make sure to save your script before you type submit().


# You're free to implement the function my_mean however you want, as long as it
# returns the average of all of the numbers in `my_vector`.
# Hint #1: sum() returns the sum of a vector.
# Ex: sum(c(1, 2, 3)) evaluates to 6
# Hint #2: length() returns the size of a vector.
# Ex: length(c(1, 2, 3)) evaluates to 3
# Hint #3: The mean of all the numbers in a vector is equal to the sum of all of
# the numbers in the vector divided by the size of the vector.
# Note for those of you feeling super clever: Please do not use the mean()
# function while writing this function. We're trying to teach you something
# here!
# Be sure to save this script and type submit() in the console after you make
# your changes.

my_mean <- function(my_vector) {
# Write your code here!
# Remember: the last expression evaluated will be returned!

> submit()

| Sourcing your script...

| Nice work!

|============== | 27%

| Now test out your my_mean() function by finding the mean
| of the vector c(4, 5, 10).

> my_mean(c(4,5,10))
[1] 6.333333

| Your dedication is inspiring!

|=============== | 29%

| Next, let's try writing a function with default
| arguments. You can set default values for a function's
| argumets, and this can be useful if you think someone who
| uses your function will set a certain argument to the
| same value most of the time.


|================ | 31%

| Make sure to save your script before you type submit().


# Let me show you an example of a function I'm going to make up called
# increment(). Most of the time I want to use this function to increase the
# value of a number by one. This function will take two arguments: "number" and
# "by" where "number" is the digit I want to increment and "by" is the amount I
# want to increment "number" by. I've written the function below.
# increment <- function(number, by = 1){
# number + by
# }
# If you take a look in between the parentheses you can see that I've set
# "by" equal to 1. This means that the "by" argument will have the default
# value of 1.
# I can now use the increment function without providing a value for "by":
# increment(5) will evaluate to 6.
# However if I want to provide a value for the "by" argument I still can! The
# expression: increment(5, 2) will evaluate to 7.
# You're going to write a function called "remainder." remainder() will take
# two arguments: "num" and "divisor" where "num" is divided by "divisor" and
# the remainder is returned. Imagine that you usually want to know the remainder
# when you divide by 2, so set the default value of "divisor" to 2. Please be
# sure that "num" is the first argument and "divisor" is the second argument.
# Hint #1: You can use the modulus operator %% to find the remainder.
# Ex: 7 %% 4 evaluates to 3.
# Remember to set appropriate default values! Be sure to save this
# script and type submit() in the console after you write the function.

remainder <- function(num, divisor=2) {
# Write your code here!
# Remember: the last expression evaluated will be returned!
num %% divisor

> submit()

| Sourcing your script...

| You're the best!

|================= | 33%

| Let's do some testing of the remainder function. Run
| remainder(5) and see what happens.

> remainder(5)
[1] 1

| Excellent job!

|================== | 35%

| Let's take a moment to examine what just happened. You
| provided one argument to the function, and R matched that
| argument to 'num' since 'num' is the first argument. The
| default value for 'divisor' is 2, so the function used
| the default value you provided.


|=================== | 38%

| Now let's test the remainder function by providing two
| arguments. Type: remainder(11, 5) and let's see what
| happens.

> remainder(11,5)
[1] 1

| Excellent work!

|==================== | 40%

| Once again, the arguments have been matched
| appropriately.


|===================== | 42%

| You can also explicitly specify arguments in a function.
| When you explicitly designate argument values by name,
| the ordering of the arguments becomes unimportant. You
| can try this out by typing: remainder(divisor = 11, num =
| 5).

> remainder(divisor=11,num=5)
[1] 5

| You are really on a roll!

|====================== | 44%

| As you can see, there is a significant difference between
| remainder(11, 5) and remainder(divisor = 11, num = 5)!


|======================= | 46%

| R can also partially match arguments. Try typing
| remainder(4, div = 2) to see this feature in action.

> remainder(4,div=2)
[1] 0

| Perseverance, that's the answer.

|======================== | 48%

| A word of warning: in general you want to make your code
| as easy to understand as possible. Switching around the
| orders of arguments by specifying their names or only
| using partial argument names can be confusing, so use
| these features with caution!


|========================= | 50%

| With all of this talk about arguments, you may be
| wondering if there is a way you can see a function's
| arguments (besides looking at the documentation).
| Thankfully, you can use the args() function! Type:
| args(remainder) to examine the arguments for the
| remainder function.

> args(remainder)
function (num, divisor = 2)

| All that practice is paying off!

|========================== | 52%

| You may not realize it but I just tricked you into doing
| something pretty interesting! args() is a function,
| remainder() is a function, yet remainder was an argument
| for args(). Yes it's true: you can pass functions as
| arguments! This is a very powerful concept. Let's write a
| script to see how it works.


|=========================== | 54%

| Make sure to save your script before you type submit().


# You can pass functions as arguments to other functions just like you can pass
# data to functions. Let's say you define the following functions:
# add_two_numbers <- function(num1, num2){
# num1 + num2
# }
# multiply_two_numbers <- function(num1, num2){
# num1 * num2
# }
# some_function <- function(func){
# func(2, 4)
# }
# As you can see we use the argument name "func" like a function inside of
# "some_function()." By passing functions as arguments
# some_function(add_two_numbers) will evaluate to 6, while
# some_function(multiply_two_numbers) will evaluate to 8.
# Finish the function definition below so that if a function is passed into the
# "func" argument and some data (like a vector) is passed into the dat argument
# the evaluate() function will return the result of dat being passed as an
# argument to func.
# Hints: This exercise is a little tricky so I'll provide a few example of how
# evaluate() should act:
# 1. evaluate(sum, c(2, 4, 6)) should evaluate to 12
# 2. evaluate(median, c(7, 40, 9)) should evaluate to 9
# 3. evaluate(floor, 11.1) should evaluate to 11

evaluate <- function(func, dat){
# Write your code here!
# Remember: the last expression evaluated will be returned!

> submit()

| Sourcing your script...

| Keep working like that and you'll get there!

|============================ | 56%

| Let's take your new evaluate() function for a spin! Use
| evaluate to find the standard deviation of the vector
| c(1.4, 3.6, 7.9, 8.8).

> evaluate(sd,c(1.4,3.6,7.9,8.8))
[1] 3.514138

| You're the best!

|============================= | 58%

| The idea of passing functions as arguments to other
| functions is an important and fundamental concept in
| programming.


|============================== | 60%

| You may be surprised to learn that you can pass a
| function as an argument without first defining the passed
| function. Functions that are not named are appropriately
| known as anonymous functions.


|=============================== | 62%

| Let's use the evaluate function to explore how anonymous
| functions work. For the first argument of the evaluate
| function we're going to write a tiny function that fits
| on one line. In the second argument we'll pass some data
| to the tiny anonymous function in the first argument.


|================================ | 65%

| Type the following command and then we'll discuss how it
| works: evaluate(function(x){x+1}, 6)

> evaluate(function(x){x+1},6)
[1] 7

| That's the answer I was looking for.

|================================= | 67%

| The first argument is a tiny anonymous function that
| takes one argument `x` and returns `x+1`. We passed the
| number 6 into this function so the entire expression
| evaluates to 7.


|================================== | 69%

| Try using evaluate() along with an anonymous function to
| return the first element of the vector c(8, 4, 0). Your
| anonymous function should only take one argument which
| should be a variable `x`.

> evaluate(function(x){x[1]},c(8,4,0))
[1] 8

| Nice work!

|=================================== | 71%

| Now try using evaluate() along with an anonymous function
| to return the last element of the vector c(8, 4, 0). Your
| anonymous function should only take one argument which
| should be a variable `x`.

> evaluate(function(x){x[length(x)]},c(8,4,0))
[1] 0

| Excellent job!

|==================================== | 73%

| For the rest of the course we're going to use the paste()
| function frequently. Type ?paste so we can take a look at
| the documentation for the paste function.

> ?paste

| You got it right!

|====================================== | 75%

| As you can see the first argument of paste() is `...`
| which is referred to as an ellipsis or simply
| dot-dot-dot. The ellipsis allows an indefinite number of
| arguments to be passed into a function. In the case of
| paste() any number of strings can be passed as arguments
| and paste() will return all of the strings combined into
| one string.


|======================================= | 77%

| Just to see how paste() works, type paste("Programming",
| "is", "fun!")

> paste("Programming","is","fun!")
[1] "Programming is fun!"

| Excellent job!

|======================================== | 79%

| Time to write our own modified version of paste().


|========================================= | 81%

| Make sure to save your script before you type submit().


# The ellipses can be used to pass on arguments to other functions that are
# used within the function you're writing. Usually a function that has the
# ellipses as an argument has the ellipses as the last argument. The usage of
# such a function would look like:
# ellipses_func(arg1, arg2 = TRUE, ...)
# In the above example arg1 has no default value, so a value must be provided
# for arg1. arg2 has a default value, and other arguments can come after arg2
# depending on how they're defined in the ellipses_func() documentation.
# Interestingly the usage for the paste function is as follows:
# paste (..., sep = " ", collapse = NULL)
# Notice that the ellipses is the first argument, and all other arguments after
# the ellipses have default values. This is a strict rule in R programming: all
# arguments after an ellipses must have default values. Take a look at the
# simon_says function below:
# simon_says <- function(...){
# paste("Simon says:", ...)
# }
# The simon_says function works just like the paste function, except the
# begining of every string is prepended by the string "Simon says:"
# Telegrams used to be peppered with the words START and STOP in order to
# demarcate the beginning and end of sentences. Write a function below called
# telegram that formats sentences for telegrams.
# For example the expression `telegram("Good", "morning")` should evaluate to:
# "START Good morning STOP"

telegram <- function(...){

> submit()

| Sourcing your script...

| You got it!

|========================================== | 83%

| Now let's test out your telegram function. Use your new
| telegram function passing in whatever arguments you wish!

> telegram("Vladimir","Horowitz","is","a","great","pianist!")
[1] "START Vladimir Horowitz is a great pianist! STOP"

| Nice work!

|=========================================== | 85%

| Make sure to save your script before you type submit().


# Let's explore how to "unpack" arguments from an ellipses when you use the
# ellipses as an argument in a function. Below I have an example function that
# is supposed to add two explicitly named arguments called alpha and beta.
# add_alpha_and_beta <- function(...){
# # First we must capture the ellipsis inside of a list
# # and then assign the list to a variable. Let's name this
# # variable `args`.
# args <- list(...)
# # We're now going to assume that there are two named arguments within args
# # with the names `alpha` and `beta.` We can extract named arguments from
# # the args list by used the name of the argument and double brackets. The
# # `args` variable is just a regular list after all!
# alpha <- args[["alpha"]]
# beta <- args[["beta"]]
# # Then we return the sum of alpha and beta.
# alpha + beta
# }
# Have you ever played Mad Libs before? The function below will construct a
# sentence from parts of speech that you provide as arguments. We'll write most
# of the function, but you'll need to unpack the appropriate arguments from the
# ellipses.

mad_libs <- function(...){
# Do your argument unpacking here!


# Don't modify any code below this comment.
# Notice the variables you'll need to create in order for the code below to
# be functional!
paste("News from", place, "today where", adjective, "students took to the streets in protest of the new", noun, "being installed on campus.")

> submit()

| Sourcing your script...

| Perseverance, that's the answer.

|============================================ | 88%

| Time to use your mad_libs function. Make sure to name the
| place, adjective, and noun arguments in order for your
| function to work.

> mad_libs(place="Xiamen, China,", adjective="tens of thousands of", noun="policy")
[1] "News from Xiamen, China, today where tens of thousands of students took to the streets in protest of the new policy being installed on campus."

| That's the answer I was looking for.

|============================================= | 90%

| We're coming to the end of this lesson, but there's still
| one more idea you should be made aware of.


|============================================== | 92%

| You're familiar with adding, subtracting, multiplying,
| and dividing numbers in R. To do this you use the +, -,
| *, and / symbols. These symbols are called binary
| operators because they take two inputs, an input from the
| left and an input from the right.


|=============================================== | 94%

| In R you can define your own binary operators. In the
| next script I'll show you how.


|================================================ | 96%

| Make sure to save your script before you type submit().


# The syntax for creating new binary operators in R is unlike anything else in
# R, but it allows you to define a new syntax for your function. I would only
# recommend making your own binary operator if you plan on using it often!
# User-defined binary operators have the following syntax:
# %[whatever]%
# where [whatever] represents any valid variable name.
# Let's say I wanted to define a binary operator that multiplied two numbers and
# then added one to the product. An implementation of that operator is below:
# "%mult_add_one%" <- function(left, right){ # Notice the quotation marks!
# left * right + 1
# }
# I could then use this binary operator like `4 %mult_add_one% 5` which would
# evaluate to 21.
# Write your own binary operator below from absolute scratch! Your binary
# operator must be called %p% so that the expression:
# "Good" %p% "job!"
# will evaluate to: "Good job!"

"%p%" <- function(left,right){ # Remember to add arguments!

> submit()

| Sourcing your script...

| Keep up the great work!

|================================================= | 98%

| You made your own binary operator! Let's test it out.
| Paste together the strings: 'I', 'love', 'R!' using your
| new binary operator.

> "I" %p% "love" %p% "R!"
[1] "I love R!"

| Great job!

|==================================================| 100%

| We've come to the end of our lesson! Go out there and
| write some great functions!


| Are you currently enrolled in the Coursera course
| associated with this lesson?

1: Yes
2: No

Selection: 2

| You've reached the end of this lesson! Returning to the
| main menu...